Friday, May 05, 2006

Ken Ross Gets "Honorable Mention" With His New 30d

Ken Ross is also one of those past students that I now call not only a good photographer, but a good friend. Ken Has just purchased a new Canon 30d and used it at the "Shoot the Hills" photo contest this past month.
It was a fitting tribute that the honorable Ken Ross was awarded an "Honorable Mention" in one of the largest categories— Digital flora. His photo shows that the 30d can produce sharp images with fine color when operated by a skilled photographer.
Great shot Ken and congratulations on your efforts during that rainy weekend.

Brad Thompson Takes 2nd Place in the "Shoot the Hills" Contest

Brad Thompson is a past student of mine and has become a good friend as well. He already had the "bug" when he took my class a couple of years back. His questions were to-the-point and very perceptive. I knew he was going to do well and he has since jumped into photography with both feet. Brad loves nature photography and is even selling his photos with stock agencies online!
Since its inception about 4 years ago, I had been a judge for the "Shoot the Hills" photo contest in southern Ohio. Every year, one of my students had placed in the contest. I have been proud to regale that fact to anyone unlucky enough to ask me about the contest. I think there were about 100 photographers this year! I did miss not being there this year, but, Brad was able to keep the tradition alive by winning 2nd place in the Digital Wildlife category! Thanks Brad and congratulations!
I believe Brad used his 600mm lens for this great shot of a heron. I am sure that patience was a large factor in getting a shot this spectacular.
I 'm sure Brad, along with any other photographers shown on this blog, would like a comment or question from you about their photos.